Tuesday, January 25, 2005

MMM...That's Good Holocaust Milk!

It's rare that you get to open the morning's paper and see an interesting transition in the day's headlines. But this was my good fortune on Monday, January 24, 2005 - and even a bit of extension to the paper the day after.

We start with the UN's historic commemoration of the 60th anniversary of Auschwitz's liberation. Following this piece is one on the Israeli cabinet's praising quiet in Gaza, though warning of its fragility. This is joined, by the IDF Chief of Staff awaiting reports on Rafah house demolitions. As we get to the bottom, we read that the Arab birthrate has dropped for the first time in years; followed by a short piece regarding Labor's Ben-Eliezer's decision to run for the party's top spot.

The Holocaust, as we all know, was the single most important political event in Jewish history. It can be used to justify all sorts of actions and policies and Jewish indifference to the suffering of other people. Provided their suffering does not equal that experienced by the Jews in the Holocaust. And no one's suffering ever does, because we get to decide. So take that black people and your slavery or Palestinians and your occupation or Jews and your holocaust. Shit, not so much that last one.

And, now for the connection - conspiracy theorists put your helmets on!

First, while the UN is marking the liberation we have successfully shifted its regular agenda from constant condemnation of Israeli policy. While its focus is diverted, we have gotten PA chairman Abu Mazen to put some effort in stopping the Qassam rockets being launched at Israeli civilians. And it seems, rather than just have the rockets redirected at Israeli military installations, Abu Mazen's going "all the way" with this effort. So finally we'll be able to occupy with some peace and quiet!

But not really since the peace and quiet is tenuous at best. Though Israel is more a fan of offering the reason as remaining terrorist elements, my guess is that it also has to do with the fact that should the Qassams cease settlements will remain, house demolitions will continue and IDF will continue to refuse to ring the door bell when it comes calling in the middle of the night taking men away for military detention and secret trials.

None of this really matters though, because finally, Israel has a chance at the waiting game. With Arab birthrates dropping we can now sit back in comfort knowing that the demographic shift has been put off for a few more years. Thank God, Allah or the Trojan Man for that one.

And, with the shit potentially buffed out, a fat fuck like Fuad Ben-Eliezer, a conservative Laborite, can seek a bit more glory and fame in the name of peace.


At 8:05 PM, Blogger Halle Barrymoore said...

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At 8:07 PM, Blogger Halle Barrymoore said...

I just discovered your blog based on the recommendation of Harry (The View From Here) and I like it. I really like it.

I hope you can find a decent Beer Sheva woman to keep you away from the hand lotion.

B (Not Another Israel Blog)

At 6:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ari, what the hell you do in Beer Sheva? I like the city and I love the country. You came here , collect money, study for free and I pay for this from my taxes. Have you been to the Army or did some community service? I think it will do wonders for your self esteem.
May be you even will meet an Israeli girl, however you need to become little bit more mature.
Israelies mature much faster, than Americans, therefore it may help you. Another thing. Learn Hebrew and try to get into Israeli blogs.
Frankly I think you have more chances in States. Too soft for Israeli woman.


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