Monday, February 13, 2006

“Mommy, please don’t let the man with the knife near my happy member.”

By Asi Gal & Ari Miller

I was at a brit today. Nothing makes you want to write a blog entry more than that holy union between God, Abraham, Israel and a baby screaming as if, well, as if his penis is being cut.

Frickin’ hell! Is there anything more horrific?

For all you goy readers, women and Jewish male readers too old to remember how the ritual of Jewish male genital mutilation goes, it’s something like this. There is this baby lying in his crib, he thinks to himself, ”I wonder if it’s time for me to open my eyes. Something sure does feel cold in my down area. I wonder what tha…whoooohaaaa!”

Why couldn’t God connect with Abraham through something simpler, like a Lance Armstrong bracelet. At eight days we would come, put a bracelet on a baby and then nosh on some bagels and pickles.

At this particular festive celebration of minor surgery that may be performed on your kitchen table, the Mohel’s name was David Chick-Chack – roughly translated this means Quicky David. He’s very famous on the religious Kibbutz circuit in the center of Israel. He’s the fastest Mohel in the west. You haven’t finished saying please God save us and he’s already in his Peugeot on his way to another still fully foreskined customer.

As a non-religious Jew it is difficult for me to understand, what’s the deal with the “oh, God please save us” prayer before the Brit? Are they hoping that just seconds before the cut, God’s hand would come down and say to David, “you can stop now. I’m here. You don’t need to cut him.” David would be bummed because than he wouldn’t be able to prove how fast he is (a man has to prove how good he is at his capabilities. Must I remind you of the popularity of the spittoon back in the days of the Old West. That’s all those guys did, spit in a bucket, but by God, they did it well and in public.) But, in poor David’s case, there is nothing he could do. He gave God the option to save and God indeed saved. Hooray for God.*

But the thing that seems to me as the number one bummer is that it is with a stroke of the knife with which the male enters the Jewish nation. Yes, all of us (well, most of us) are proud to be Jews. That eons long tradition of Moses, Masada, the Six Day War, David Brenner, it’s all good. But who would actually choose to be a Jew? With all the anti-us: the persecution, pogroms, murder, guilt, gefilte fish and penis cutting – you can’t forget the penis cutting. Who needs it?

Wouldn’t you rather be a Christian sitting in Oslo who’s entire hardship is limited to an Elk obstructing his view of a fiord?

With one stroke we send the kid off to years of feeling bad about the girls he likes and wants to date were it not for his disproportionately over concern for his mom. Years of obscure ceremonies (“Vayevarech Elohim et bnei Yisrael le’eeemor” - six months of preparation for fifteen minutes of humiliation on a random Saturday morning) and a nation that still yearns to be free but considers going to Eilat as getting away from it all? Jesus. No wonder I already know that the eight-day-old baby in front of my eyes is going to circumcise his own kid. Revenge.

I wish God would save. But who can outperform David Chick-Chack? He really is that fast and with a 97% success rate.

Perhaps the best solution would be to give the child the possibility to choose. At age thirteen, instead of reading a sermon about David and his morning surprise (I understand I was nothing more than your boy-toy but why did you take all the hair?) the kid makes the decision himself if he wants his nippy knicked. But I know that then the percentage of those that choose to be Jews would be around five. ”No, I still can’t come over to play Playstation. I need to ice my dick. Yeah, at least two more weeks.”

It is true that Muslims boys choose to do it but they are a people who also find it relatively easy to convince its members that suicide by explosion is the way to go.

Thus I return to my previous suggestion - a Lance Armstrong bracelet. That way not only will the kid choose Jewish but will undoubtedly be excited about wanting to become a Jew. What kid would choose to be different? The main problem will be when dealers start selling counterfeit Jew bracelets for half price. But kids have a sixth sense for such things and would be able to instinctively identify the real one. Sort of like the dorky kids who wore Livi’s jeans. Close but not cool. But everyone’s penis stays intact, and isn’t that really better than imposing the egalitarian solution of imposing female genital mutilation on Jewish girl babies?

P.S. Instead of long beards, black hats and foul body odor, a very committed Jew could be identified as the one who buys the original Jew bracelet – as opposed to the knock off - for half price. Nothing says Jewish better than jewing down a Jew for the quintessential Jewish symbol.

P.P.S. If you do decide on giving your kid a circumcision, no matter if it’s because you adhere to Jewish mythology over Greek mythology or because you believe in outdated superstition under the guise of it being “the word of god” or because your main source of medical knowledge is limited to “let the leeches suck it out” or “a cut penis is a clean penis”, let a doctor do it. And, hell, have them use some anesthesia. Hopefully, that will be at least one step in the direction away from therapy. Though obviously therapy will eventually come. He’s a Jew. But, at least he’ll only have to go back to day number nine.

*But really, Hooray for Boobies. After all, this whole circumcision thing was god’s crappy idea to begin with, and I’m supposed to get all excited because all of a sudden god has some type of revelation. God’s punk ass had better be reading this blog and, in addition to leaving a comment (and not an anonymous comment), realize that saving one little pecker just isn’t going to cut it when so many have already been cut in his name. Fucking pervert.

For further reading on the subject: Metzitzah b'peh


At 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a Goyim (you know, up-turned nose, blue eyes, slightly stupid expression on my face) so I don't know much about these things. Pretty much all the gentiles I know are circumcised, too. So I take it that this is another sacred tradition passed down from the Jews to the rest of us. We just lost the prayers and the wine somewhere along the way. Snip, snip, no fuss, no muss. I just want to know one thing. What do they do with the foreskin once its removed? This may be just an urban legend, but I heard they've started putting them in boxes of "Fruity Pebbles" cereal as prizes.

At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haven't you seen the leather jacket that the mohel wears ?

At 9:04 PM, Blogger Ari said...

I was once bumming around Israel, this was years ago, and had no particular place to stay. So I spent my time divided up into weeks on different couches belonging to different friends. At one point I called up this rabbi that I knew through some friends, he was also a mohel. He not only agreed that I could take up residence upon his couch for a week or two but even to pick me up from the friend's place where I was staying at the the time.

I was sitting in a room with my bags packed, along with my friend and a few of her friends. I was not the only male and there were no non-Jews. When the rabbi/mohel arrived he came in teh room and chatted for a few minutes with us all. He then wagered that he was the only one in the room with a foreskin. Being that we were all Jewish, and knowing that he was too, we could not figure how his statement had any validity. We verbally expressed as much.

He reached into his shirt pocket, pulled out a piece of wrapped up gauze, unfolded it and produced a small piece of skin accompanied by a wide grin. Yet, I still went to stay at his place.

True story.

At 6:00 PM, Blogger Arie said...

Ari, how can you possibly have a happy member now that Tokyo's been fixed? I think the word you were looking for was lonely.

At 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always thought that a briss was when little Jewish boys had their horns and tails chopped off! Now, you tell me it's really their peckers!!??

Long live the confederacy!

At 10:01 PM, Blogger SubVerse said...

Elk obstrcuting his view of the fjord hahahahah.

But seriously I ask you this: What are your feelings on calling your son Jewish and not circumcising? Cruel or Progressive?

At 6:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But, Christians already had the WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) bracelets... so, maybe something more creative like cockrings? Or, maybe us Jewish gals should get our clits pierced to be inducted into the religion instead of snipping the boys... At least it'd result in more frequent, pleasurable orgasms...

At 12:17 PM, Blogger Asi & Edo said...

steph- i think the entire notion of being jewish means not to think for your self, so your offer cointradicts itself. unless of course, you're talking about a new kind of jew. perhaps a super jew? can he fight crime? kill nazis using his tapes that can transform into a dog and a bird a-la soundwave. although he wasn't jewish. no nose on him.
and sarit- i like the way you think. tell me more. plus tongue piercing would also be great cause then the boys get superior orgasms.
and then everyone would want to be jewish. that's the way to take over the world. not through war or multiple children. through spectacular orgazms.

At 1:37 PM, Blogger Ari said...

Asi - Can you belive some woman wrote "clits" and "cockrings" on my blog?

It's good to have a blog.

Steph - Asi makes a good point on this one. Though, you'll have to forgive him for his crude Nazi reference. He often forgets that WWII has been over for some time now.

Asi - You stupid fuck, listen here! We're not the victims of the Nazis anymore, it's the Arabs now. And would you really want all Jewish girls' tounges pierced? Cause you've got it all wrong. Then, it's not that everyone would want to be Jewish but that all men would want to have their dicks sucked by a Jewess. Or women to have their pussies eaten out by Jewish men (who already make spectacular lovers). Wait, I've got this all wrong. My new slogan is: "Peirce, don't cut. Amen!"

Sarit - Perhaps we should just avoid any type of physical manifestation of relgion and keep it to the realm of existential thought. The clit rings can still be encouraged but for everyone, so it would be like a humanist rallying cry for kinship amongst the nations. The new slogan could be: "Pierce, empower, empathize. Now lick that clit!"

At 11:48 AM, Blogger Jameel @ The Muqata said...

A priest, a Pentecostal preacher and a Rabbi all served as chaplains to the students of Northern Michigan University in Marquette. They would get together two or three times a week for coffee and to talk

One day, someone made the comment that preaching to people isn't really all that hard. A real challenge would be to preach to a bear. One thing led to another and they decided to do an experiment. They would all go out into the woods, find a bear, preach to it, and attempt to convert him.

Seven days later, they're all together to discuss the experience.

Father Flannery, who has his arm in a sling, is on crutches, and has
various bandages, goes first. "Well," he says, "I went into the woods to find me a bear. And when I found him I began to read to him from the Catechism. Well, that bear wanted nothing to do with me and began to slap me around. So I quickly grabbed my holy water, sprinkled him and,
Holy Mary Mother of God, he became as gentle a lamb. The bishop is
coming out next week to give him first communion and confirmation."

Reverend Billy Bob spoke next. He was in a wheelchair, with an arm and both legs in casts, and an IV drip. In his best fire and brimstone Oratory he claimed, "WELL brothers, you KNOW that we don't sprinkle! I went out and I FOUND me a bear. And then I began to read to my bear from
God's HOLY WORD! But that bear wanted nothing to do with me. So I took hold of him and we began to wrestle. We wrestled down one hill, up another and DOWN another until we came to a creek. So I quick DUNKED him and BAPTIZED his hairy soul. And just like you said, he became as gentle
as a lamb. We spent the rest of the day praising Jesus."

They both looked down at the rabbi, who was lying in a hospital bed. He was in a body cast and traction with I.V.'s and monitors running in and out of him. He was in bad shape.

The rabbi looks up and says, "Looking back on it, circumcision may not have been the best way to start."


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