Saturday, January 07, 2006

WE DON’T NEED NO WATER, LET THE MOTHER FUCKER BURN. water would be nice, please send some quickly.

Sad times prevail in Israel these days. If it weren’t enough that we have been occupying another people for the past four decades, perpetuate an apartheid through this illegal colonization (so deemed by the Israeli courts), live with one of the world’s largest gaps between rich and poor and suffer from having no separation between church and state, now our Prime Minister is precariously close to death.

Perhaps the souls of all those civilians massacred at Sabra and Shatilla or the myriad Palestinian bystanders murdered as a result of Israel’s targeted assassination policy might not agree with me but it seems that Sharon should have taken more time off – especially after his first stroke. Look at W. for instance, all play and no work has left him as happy as a kid in a candy store. Of course by kid I mean the leader of the strongest and most influential nation in the world and by candy store I mean nuclear arsenal with hundreds of thousands of troops at his disposal and nearly three hundred million citizens who knowingly nod at their televisions while grunting, “Uh, Ok.”

It’s not that I’m saying that W. should fall gravely ill but I have no way to finish this sentence.

Once again Israelis are glued to their TV sets or their radios or their newspapers hoping to be the first within their group of friends to hear that the Prime Minister has passed or recovered or become a vegetable or whatever so that they can have that artificial feeling of empowerment one gets from being remembered as having told the others. At times like this the cell phone companies are very prosperous.

What I find most ironic is that while I have received numerous SMS/text messages informing me of Sharon’s little blood clot I have never received even one updating me as to how many Palestinian women and children were killed on any given day by the State of Israel in the name of all Jews everywhere – which includes me, I’m disgraced to say.*

It is true that the cell phone networks become overloaded when Jewish women and children are murdered by Palestinian terrorists but, as most Israelis will tell you, Jews are worth more than Palestinians. A point to which the cell phone companies can attest since Jews dying from Palestinian terrorism is much more profitable than Palestinians dying from Jewish terrorism.

So, finally Sharon’s holed up getting that much needed R&R that he needs and deserves; and, as such, I’m finally happy for him. Sharon has led an exhausting and evil life watching over and running an extensive, multi-tiered colonial enterprise, having run his very own war by lying to his Prime Minister and nation, overseeing various shady if not illegal land deals at home and abroad and, according to at least one British newspaper, biting the heads off Palestinian babies. So rest well and long my obese delicate flower because burning in hell for time eternal is bound to be your biggest challenge yet.

*But, hey, I make a difference through blogging.**

**Ha, ha, ha, ha.


At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you are one angry, pathetic sack of shit. Have you ever accomplished anything?

At 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I especially love the hypocrisy of all the orange people. The same ones that not three months ago were uttering death threats against Sharon have suddenly forgiven all and are praying for his healthy return. WTFever. Way to totally prove the point of any anti-religion sentiment ever expressed.

At 10:51 PM, Blogger Ari said...

Rappy - Wouldn't that "hypocrisy" actually just prove the orange people are really good Christians. I don't have a problem with them forgiving Sharon, that might actually be a good step forward in national healing. I don't think that most of the orange folk want Sharon dead, just out of politics. Now if he were an Arab, I'm sure they'd want him dead and not by way of a stroke either.

David - Are you aware that (the site to which your name links on you comment) is no longer a porn site? Please don't waste my time with your non-porn websites. And to be clear about it, I am very fucking angry. As an American, Israeli and Jew I am thrice disgraced by the genocidal and racist policies carried out in my name. If that doesn't make you angry, I would surmise that you have no soul. And, you know what they say about guys with no soul, small penis.
(My own penis is small for reasons unrealted to soul, of which I have one, a funky one. Though it is true that I have accomplished very little with the possible exception of writing a blog that you read you ignorant fuck.)

Zev has a very large penis.

At 12:03 AM, Blogger Asi & Edo said...

first of all Jews don't believe in hell. second of all didn't you lie numerous times to women about a possible relationship and then dumped them (while you were head of Hillel, no less) so you are the one going to hell.
for real, i think in the past years Sharon has been trying to become a better man. well excvept for the horrifying economical plan the complete lack of concern for the setllers after the disengagement*as many of them are still unemployed and share a hotel room) no real concern for Palestinians either except the general plan which W loves. but he also loves perfect strangers. not too smart. oh' and let's not forget the corruption. you gotta have corruption. but i think he tries in some ways not to be BiBi so i don't want him to go to hell. or die. i just really want someone good to run this country. or it's off to an Army putsch again i still have mt Uzi waiting.
oh and David, as for your question. yes hookers are cheaper in Israel so you can make Aliyah.

At 9:41 PM, Blogger Arie said...

Ari, if you're "smart" enough not to practice the arcane laws of Judaism (and I don't care how much kashrut has nothing to do with health, I still think I'm a healthier person for not eating pork chops wrapped in bacon), why do you believe in as stupid a concept as hell? Next thing you'll tell me is that Pat Robertson's god sent Sharon this stroke. I think you're a closet Evangelist.

At 4:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Finaly one brave voice in this country.

I am guessing that you are not considering all the Jews to be your "brothers" even those that kill their wives, rape their daughters, shoot Palestinians in their back and rob foreign workers?

Shame on you.

I would even go further and dare to guess that you are not taking the liberty to look into other people's plates (like the bozo with the pork chops here), tell them who to marry or when, do not bury russian soldiers out of the fence and even support people's right to decide whether they will circumsize their child ?!

What kind of Jew are you anyway ?

Kudos to your writing Ari and to your ability to hold moral stand even in this "jews-are-super-duper-nice-and-all-the-others-are-here-to-serve-us" propaganda brainwashed country...

At 6:46 PM, Blogger Arie said...

I'm sorry Neyne, but how do you know that I look into other people's plates? Because I made a reference to a comment my friend's mother made? Because I keep kosher? Am I a fundamentalist for making fun of someone I know instead of reading some random person's blog and deciding that I know that he's either a brave soul or some bastard that hates his people? Shame on you.
And yes, I consider Jews that kill their wives, rape their daughters, shoot Palestinians in their back and rob foreign workers to be my brothers and sisters just as much as Jews who don't do those things. Which is my I'm more ashamed when a Jew does those things and which is why I protest Israeli policies I don't like.

At 11:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm sorry Neyne, but how do you know that I look into other people's plates? Because I made a reference to a comment my friend's mother made? Because I keep kosher? Am I a fundamentalist for making fun of someone I know instead of reading some random person's blog and deciding that I know that he's either a brave soul or some bastard that hates his people? Shame on you."

You kind of missed my sarcastic note in that "Shame on you" part. I don't care whether you keep kosher or not. That's the whole point. You can put whatever the hell you want in your plate and no one should have the right to tell you whether you are Jewish or not or how much. Unlike all the self-righteous people that walk around with their Jew-meters and measure how mcuh each of us is Jewish or not, let alone when they are the ones that decide how, when and where you will get married, divorced or burried in this country.

"And yes, I consider Jews that kill their wives, rape their daughters, shoot Palestinians in their back and rob foreign workers to be my brothers and sisters just as much as Jews who don't do those things. Which is my I'm more ashamed when a Jew does those things and which is why I protest Israeli policies I don't like."

Well, that's where we differ my friend. I don't consider ANYONE that does all these things to be related to me in any way (unless he is family-like-related, but then i have a problem), let alone being my brother. The fact that my mother and that person's mother would both be fried by the Nazis is just not enough of a basis for me to start feeling brotherly love for them. Why should i choose someone despicable in my eyes and even be ashamed in his name ? Did he think "Oh , if i shoot this kid in his back, my Jewish brothers and sisters are going to be so ashamed of me, i better not do it." ?

Let me tell you, i prefer a gentile tzadik to a jewish criminal, every single day of the year.

At 4:11 PM, Blogger jinan said...

Am not naming names but, somebody seems to have a serious case of stockholm's syndrome. He might profit from a visit with a shrink.

At 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Am not naming names but, somebody seems to have a serious case of stockholm's syndrome. He might profit from a visit with a shrink."

... said Fritz when he heard about a fellow German helping some Jews leave the country just after Adolf won the elections....

At 12:41 PM, Blogger jinan said...

Neyne, it's a different scenario and you know it! Thank you for upholding the fine tradition of debate enders.

At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my point was not to end an discussion or to compare you to a Nazi.

However, serving in the army, touring the wall, living in Jerusalem and being a witness to a daily mistreatment, hearing about a mistreatment from palestinian friends, one cannot but notice the similarities. Sure, there are lot of differences but there are plenty of similarities too and i think that it is a duty of the jewish people to learn not only how to prevent the Holocaust from happening to them, but also to beware of becoming the persecutors themselves.

And the strongest similarity (and the point of my comparison) is the fact that those israelis that are trying to help the palestinians and/or are feeling some empathy with their suffering are being tagged the same way that the germans that have helped jews in WWII were tagged in the 30s Germany - traitors. What right do we have to ask "why were there so few righteous ones?" and at the same moment call the righteous ones of today traitors ?

The truth is never with the oppressor and always with the oppressed ones.

My opinions have nothing to do with the stockholm syndrome (which did not prevent you from mentioning it, but whatever) since i am presently a member of the more-persecuting-than-the-victim side. Is there a name for a syndrom where you identify with the actual victim ?

Signed: know-it-all l-o-s-e-r

At 3:41 PM, Blogger jinan said...

Neyne: I didn't mean to suggest that you were comparing me to a Nazi, only that you're statement was analogous to the statements parodies by Jon.

You're right, the truth is with the oppresses. But who are the oppressed? If i lost my son, brother, mother.. i'd feel frightfully oppressed. I'd want whoever was responsible to pay for it. But most importantly i'd want other's loved ones to be safe.

Of course justice should be for all. So you're sentiments for Palestinians who suffer are laudable. But their well being is as important as Israelis.
Shit, i've got to go, i hope i wasn't too nebulous

At 6:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, here's a wakeup call for you people of the jewish faith who live in the middle east and think about jerusalem all day long, I live in Atlanta Georgia, and I don't ever think about any of that crap. I don't like George Bush and I don't like politics and I am so sorry that the holocaust happened because it indicates the total evil nature of some parts of the human race. However, it is possible to live your life without ever thinking about Palestinians, Jews, Christians, Politics, Pork, Sharon, or any of this other nonsense. Why don't you spend your time thinking about your own human destiny and why you were born? Could it possibly be that you were born to help the world be a better place? Hmmmm. I do appreciate some of the sentiments here that there are actually some jewish people who realize the plight of the Palestinians as a people. And some of you do seem to understand that human beings deserve dignity unless they prove to be animals individually. But hey, just keep in the back of your minds that there are people on the face of this wonderful earth who don't spend more than two minutes a year thinking about religion, politics, enemies, or any of that crap. And it is CRAP. Remember that. If you were isolated on an island somewhere by yourselves, you would not have any of these issues. People cause problems. But People also have brains and they can solve problems. So, what were you born for, and why are you here? and what do you intend to do to make this world a better place? If your answer is cynical, negative, and based on racial or religious hatred, then you need to get your resources together and get as far away from where you live as you can go. Try Australia. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. And if you want to answer, send your messages to Thanks. Richard in Atlanta.

At 5:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

....Sad times prevail in Israel these days. If it weren’t enough that we have been occupying another people for the past four decades, perpetuate an apartheid through this illegal colonization (so deemed by the Israeli courts)...

And why did you make aliyah?

At 10:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hmmmm. I do appreciate some of the sentiments here that there are actually some jewish people who realize the plight of the Palestinians as a people. And some of you do seem to understand that human beings deserve dignity unless they prove to be animals individually. "

Annoymous from Atlanta - check out this video and then tell me if you agree with your above statement.

At 4:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, it's friendlymentor from Atlanta. I did watch this link. It is very eye-opening and interesting. I do stand by my comments that it is possible for a person to go through life enjoying oneself without living and breathing the hatred and paranoia of terrorism. You have a right and an obligation to make the world a better place and be brave.

You also have a right not to let other humans on this planet destroy your happiness and well-being, but it is up to you to take responsibility for yourselves and find a place to live that is safe, secure, and allows you to grow into a better person.

I have no doubt that there are horrible people living among us. Murders happen every day in this world. People are robbed, beaten, enslaved, and killed. However, our creator gave us all minds with the ability to think through problems. We can choose to let the bad things and people get us way down or we can choose to work around these issues without losing our insights and spirits.

I did learn from this videocast things that I was semi-aware of. It won't stop me from getting to know nice people. It won't cause me to take up arms against bad people. Just be careful. And enjoy your time on the planet. The clock is ticking.


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